Euro Assistant Pro preferences are gathered in the "Preferences" dialog box, which is displayed by choosing the "Preferences..." command in the Edit menu.
Preferences are divided into 4 different groups: General, Appearance, Format and Rates Update preferences.
General Preferences
• Startup iconized
Check this option, if you want to startup Euro Assistant Pro always iconized, no matter how it was when you last quit. This option is particularly useful if you have Euro Assistant Pro in your "Startup Items" folder.
• Iconize on application switch
Check this option, if you want to automatically iconize Euro Assistant Pro when it is switched to the background and to de-iconize it when switched back to the foreground.
• Floating iconized window
Check this option, if you want the iconized Euro Assistant Pro window to be floating over all other running applications, so that can can quickly switch to Euro Assistant Pro without having to activate it. Euro Assistant Pro is automatically de-iconized if you click the content of the floating iconized window.
• Warn me when I try to quit without having saved the tape
Check this option, if you want Euro Assistant Pro to display an alert box before you quit reminding you that there are some tape entries which you didn't save.
Appearance Preferences
• Show flags in the Euro Assistant Pro window
Check this option to associate to each currency and display in the Euro Assistant Pro window the flag of corresponding country.
• Show flags in menus
Check this option to display flags in the "Language", "Switch Currency", "Add Currency" and "Base Currency" submenus and in all Currencies popup menus.
• Draw a thicker frame around the active display
Check this option to make the active display in the Euro Assistant Pro window more evident.
Format Preferences
• Include thousands separators in files and text clippings
Check this option, if you want to include thousands separators when saving or clipping the tape or when clipping amounts and rates by dragging and dropping ISO codes.
This option can be useful, if you want to export the tape's content, amounts or rates into a word processor, but shouldn't be checked if you plan to export them into a database or spreadsheet.
• Tape clipping format
The "Tape clipping format" popup menu lets you specify the desired tape clipping format. Five formats are available: Standard, Single Row, Table, Table - separated ISO codes, Table - no ISO codes. A sample clipping is shown. See also Clipping the Tape and Saving the Tape.
Rates Update Preferences
• Use proxy
This option allows you to access the Internet for the automatic update of euro rates via a HTTP proxy server. Check it if you don't want to connect to directly or if you are behind a firewall or any other security system. Ask your network administrator or ISP for the proper HTTP proxy settings (address and port number) and type them in corresponding boxes.
If the option is checked, but the address is missing, Euro Assistant Pro connects to directly.
• Disconnect PPP if Euro Assistant Pro connected it
Check this option, if you want Euro Assistant Pro to tell PPP to disconnect after euro exchange rates have been updated. Disabled if Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher is not available.
• Update rates at startup
Check this option, if you want Euro Assistant Pro to update euro exchange rates at startup. Select in the popup menu the desired frequency: daily or weekly. Disabled if Open Transport 1.1.1 or higher is not available.